Friday, December 14, 2007

I Love My Garmin.

I finally did it, I got a Garmin. I got it mainly for work because flipping through a 500 page map book takes too long and I still sometimes manage to get lost. Since I started using the thing, I have only been late to three appointments and that was mostly due to the great Seattle traffic. Now here is the ironic thing. Anyone who knows me well knows that I hate being in large crowds. Large crowds consist of millions of people packed into a mall all trying to get in on the same deals in a frantic frenzy. So this year on black Friday when I looked at Angel and said,"Lets go shopping", She looked at me like I was nuts. On top of that I had the flu but we went anyway. First stop, Circuit City. there is where I found a rapidly dwindling abundance of Garmins. Originally $300, got it for $200. Now I don't leave home without it. Give a Garmin!!!


Mavis said...

We sure love ours. I took a couple of friends to Phoenix for Women of Faith and they were so impressed with it that they went right out and each bought one too. We had ours with us in Seattle when we were there. It sure made getting around that area easier.

Mavis said...

Time for a new post!!