Sunday, November 18, 2007

How many ways can we dress up a dog???

I was browsing through our pictures tonight looking for good ones to send to a friend of mine in Detroit when I stumbled upon these two from last Christmas. So how many ways can you torture a dog by dressing them up humiliatingly and forever capturing the moment in a picture??? Apparently in our case, the possibilities are endless. every year we find new and creative ways of humiliating our dogs and it just gets funnier every time. between the little stuffed hats and antlers that you get at petsmart and the cheaper Christmas day gift wrapping and bows, the possibilities for creating a lasting memory of the fun you had on Christmas day with your dogs truly have no end. Do the dogs like it??? OF COURSE NOT!!!! but then again, watching them try to get whatever you have put on them off is just part of the fun right?!? So I am curious to know... What will we think of this year?

Saturday, November 17, 2007


We found this video by accident on you tube a few days ago and thought that all of you might get a kick out of it too. apparently there is an album as wel that released last week and is availiable on Itunes for download as are all the ring tones. The song and some of the tracks on the album have been translated into 7 different lanuages including english but the original is in Hungarian. ENJOY!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy Veterans Day

Today was the official veterans day. So I wanted to take this moment and thank those who serve, have served, and those who support those who serve. It was a sad day in Tacoma as there was a mildly violent anti war protest at the port that was blocking troops from going home after returning from Iraq. As a former soldier this rubbed me the wrong way and it made me mad that these people would punish those who have been apart from their families for over a year for the antics of the people in the white house. I think that regardless of how we feel about Bush and the war, we should still support the troops in all that they do to keep the United States the land of the free.
On that note, on December 15Th, the Civil Air Patrol will be holding their annual Wreaths across America event all over the country. For us here in Seattle it will be at Tahoma National Cemetery in Kent WA. As a part of this event, I will be representing the US Army in the wreath laying ceremony. I see this as my way of honoring the friends that I have lost in the war and the friends that I have that are still in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yesterday was the veterans day parade in Auburn Wa. and I had the privilege to march with the cadet color guard from my Civil Air Patrol squadron in the parade along with hundreds of WW2 and Vietnam vets, High School ROTC's, and even the Seagals!!!needless to say it was a big parade, but it was a great experience. I had many people on the street walk up to me and thank me for my service to our country and despite all the protesting and bad press about the war and military, it made me feel good, like I honored my country, my family and myself by serving. I am proud to be a vet, and I am proud to have a step dad who is also a vet. both of us have served in hard times in the same place and It is only fitting to tell John, happy vets day, and thank you for your sacrifice.


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Holidays and Dogs

Well ok, so in my last post I didnt include pics of the dogs so here I will include them. In the spirit of the upcoming holiday season.

So the other day we were walking through hallmark and what do i see out of the corner of my eye? Rodney Reindeer, the little plush reindeer that adorned the top of our TV every christmas since the mid 80's. He came in tree different sizes but we got the one that was the same size as the one we had when I was growing up. Way back when it fisrt came out, they later released his significan other Rhonda and his little one Randy, but alas they have not rereleased the rest of the family yet. I just couldnt help myself, I had to get one for my own home. Im not even sure if my parents still have the originals mixed in with all the christmas decorations. If not, now is your opportunity to replace them.