Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!

Its finally here, the one day a year when all the little kids (and some big ones) get all dressed up and go out begging for candy. Of course that also depends on where you live. If you are like my mom, you might see one or two trick or treaters all night and for the foothills area of Yuma, thats a pretty good turn out. We live In North Seattle, granted we do live in an apartment complex in a really bad neighborhood but we do have kids in our complex. Yet alas, no trick or treaters. Now I have to single handedly eat an entire bag of fun size Twix (like I need more sugar in my hyperactive system).

Anyhow, aside from the lack of scarey things knocking at our door, Things here are going great. Angel is driving on with her studies and is volunteering as a crisis hotline counselor for the UW crisis hotline. For those who dont know, she is majoring in psychology at UW and is maintaining a 3.9 GPA and is a permanent resident of the deans list. I could only dream to be that smart. Of course on the flip side of things, I am working as a pest control technician (yes Christi, I know what kind of spider that was), I am a senior member of the USAF auxiliary, otherwise known as the civil air patrol doing search and rescue and working with the cadets as a cadet programs officer and an aerospace education officer, and I am going to school for Korean as a second language. As soon as my approval from embry riddle comes back I will be starting flight school as well. so yea we are really busy. somewhere in all of that I find time to sporatically go to Hockey practice although I am no longer on a team (long story).

The Dogs are doing great, Pearlie is on a diet, Lollo has become a bit more hyper, and somehow our clothes keep magically appearing under the bed. Well thats us in a nut shell. Any questions? Now that I am done boring all of you with our life story, we can get on to the random ramblings that you normally see on these things like my first post and a few of my moms as well. talk to you all again real soon.

1 comment:

Mavis said...

Good job! I like the pictures, even though you left out my granddogs. We had a total of 3 trick or treaters last night. I sent the candy in with John to work this morning. Better them than me.